




Hackathon Community Rating

The Pi Hackathon kickstarts the Pi community’s app development on our platform that will foster ecosystem-building efforts and potentially create real life utilities and infrastructures. The Core Team will be happy to consider community input when deciding winners/prizes, so make sure your voice is heard!

To start rating, go to Brainstorm and click “Rate Projects” to see a randomized list of finalist teams. After watching each team’s video presentation and testing their Pi app by pasting their app URLs in the Pi Browser, upvote or downvote the submissions based on your discretion. You can submit one upvote or downvote per project, but you cannot submit a vote for your own project.

For Hackathon participants who don’t see their project in this list, don’t lose heart! This list of finalists showcases the most promising apps, as of now, out of thousands of submissions. Just because your app didn't make it through this time doesn't mean that it cannot succeed in the future — the race is not over. We understand that it's a long process to build a successful, scalable app with growing user traction, and we’ll continue to support your efforts moving forward.

Overall, the Pi Hackathon is our first organized attempt at enabling the development of community apps. We hope you’ve enjoyed this process with us, and make sure to check back in when we announce winners on September 30th.

Pi, Pi Network and the Pi logo are trademarks of the Pi Community Company.


PI hackathon開發項目可以開始評分,要進入Brainstrom裡面投票







rate project







就我小道消息所知,我國團隊的項目是pi game platform




English Introduction

We provide an integrated platform for gaming.Any game developer can submit their games and link with us in the future.There will also have deposit/withdraw system by using Pi at our web app to save the free on the network(Mention : Game developer can also make their own payment in their game [Multiple payment method])

The account for our website is base on your Pi accounts. That means every one can only have one and unique account.

We are dedicated to create more games as soon as possible in the near future. However, finishing the development of our platform and ensure the safety and implementation of the API system is current priority. We will release some Games that include some payment for building the business and make sure the API is working well.

The feature already Developed :

  • Account Registration System 
  • Friend System
  • Pi SDK for deposit
  • Withdraw system

The feature we need to make in Platform:

  1. Chat System
  2. Game category (It is in development now, mini games are closed at this moment)
  3. Game connect API
  4. Desktop version
  5. Game Develop 

Here is the project URL:

Our Platform won’t only focus on Mobile Games and also Desktop Games. But, we will develop  Mobile version first.


We won't focus on Html5 games only, all kind of games will be supported in future.

NFT Game is in development, we will announce when Pi SDK support more feature after mainnet. 

中文介紹(Chinese version)

這是個遊戲整合平台,任何遊戲將來都可以透過api 連結網站,網站內有儲值系統,你可以省去轉帳的手續費(當然如果遊戲開發者願意,他們也可以不使用我們的儲值系統)

平台的帳號會是以Pi Account 為基礎,這代表一個人只會有一個遊戲帳號(杜絕遊戲工作室的可能),並且本平台不會有任何註冊行為,且使用本平台必須先擁有Pi Browser 。




  • 自動帳號註冊​
  • 好友系統
  • Pi SDK 目前用來儲值
  • 提領系統


  • 聊天系統
  • 遊戲分類清單(目前正在製作中...部分遊戲暫時關閉)
  • 遊戲 API Final版
  • 電腦版平台開發
  • 遊戲開發(會與其他工作同時進行)

網頁網址 : (目前沒有中文版本,未來會有多語言版本,暫時還是以英文去開發)




NFT Game 也已經著手製作,將會在主網後,看Pi SDK 的支援進度再公開






















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